Adrian Harewood

Board member

Adrian Harewood is a professor in Carleton’s School of Journalism and Communication, which he joined in 2021. He completed a BA in Political Theory & History at McGill University and a MA in History at Carleton University. For 13 years he was the anchor of CBC Ottawa News at Six and for 3 years he hosted CBC Ottawa’s drive home radio show All in a Day. He has been the guest host of national programs on radio and television including The Current, As It Happens, Sounds Like Canada and The House, Counterspin, Hot Type and Power & Politics. Adrian was the host of a series of programs on BRAVO and PBS including Literati, The Actors, The Directors, Playwrights & Screenwriters. He was also the host of CBC Radio’s 2010 FIFA World Cup Show. In 2017 he was nominated for a Canadian Screen Award for Best Interviewer, and in 2020 he won the Canadian Screen Award for Best Local Anchor. Adrian has a long history working in campus/community radio and was the station manager of CKUT-Radio McGill. He launched the Carleton Journalism School’s first-ever course focused on race, a graduate seminar called Journalism, Race and Diversity, and also created the first course in Canada devoted to the study of the History of Black Canadian Journalism. Adrian is a member of the Canadian Association of Journalists, the Canadian Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Black Journalists. He is a board member of Journalists for Human Rights and the Writer’s Trust of Canada and sits on the Editorial Board of the University of Ottawa Press.

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An illustration, in yellow, of a computer, with an open envelope inside it with letter reading 'Breaking news.'
Let’s talk about reconciliation.
As we mark the fourth National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we can’t forget the impacts of residential schools are intimately linked to many stories we cover on the natural world in so-called Canada.
Every new member between now and midnight Friday will have their contributions doubled by two generous donors.
Let’s match
Every new member between now and midnight Friday will have their contributions doubled by two generous donors.
Let’s match
Let’s talk about reconciliation.
As we mark the fourth National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we can’t forget the impacts of residential schools are intimately linked to many stories we cover on the natural world in so-called Canada.