Atenas Contreras

Director of operations and finance

Atenas is a settler from Mexico City who’s been living on the unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, and səlilwətaɬ Nations since 2017. She has spent almost 15 years managing numbers, operations, facilities and human resources in the non-profit arena. Atenas’ experience spans libraries, festivals and now as director of operations and finance at The Narwhal. Her favourite parts of the job are keeping the numbers in the black and making sure all staff members feel valued and appreciated. When not engrossed in spreadsheets or QuickBooks, Atenas enjoys riding her bike, throwing teeps and reading. Fun fact: she hasn’t worked at a library since 2017, but her home bookshelves are still organized by the Dewey Decimal System.

Thousands of members make The Narwhal’s independent journalism possible. Will you help power our work in 2024?
Will you help power our journalism in 2024?
That means our newsletter has become the most important way we connect with Narwhal readers like you. Will you join the nearly 90,000 subscribers getting a weekly dose of in-depth climate reporting?
A line chart in green font colour with the title "Our Facebook traffic has cratered." Chart shows about 750,000 users via Facebook in 2019, 1.2M users in 2020, 500,000 users in 2021, 250,000 users in 2022, 100,000 users in 2023.
Readers used to find us on Facebook. Now we’re blocked
That means our newsletter has become the most important way we connect with Narwhal readers like you. Will you join the nearly 90,000 subscribers getting a weekly dose of in-depth climate reporting?
A line chart in green font colour with the title "Our Facebook traffic has cratered." Chart shows about 750,000 users via Facebook in 2019, 1.2M users in 2020, 500,000 users in 2021, 250,000 users in 2022, 100,000 users in 2023.
Readers used to find us on Facebook. Now we’re blocked
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