Gillian Staveley is a Kaska Dena citizen, whose heritage lies in the Muncho Lake region of Dena Kēyeh in Northern British Columbia. Graduating from UBC in 2014 with a Masters in Anthropology, Gillian’s research explored the importance of multi-generational environmental knowledge and focused on issues of colonialism and political ecology — all topics that are relevant to Indigenous communities across the globe. Through the connection that Gillian has with her heritage and culture, she has actively promoted the conversation of what Indigeneity means in the 21st century. Gillian has worked predominantly in the resource development sector as a traditional land use practitioner, consultant, and an archaeologist. Currently, in her work as the Regional Coordinator for the Kaska Dena in British Columbia, her goal is to ensure that through the Government to Government relationship that exists between part of her Nation and the Province, that the respect for Kaska Laws — Dene K’éh Gū́s’ān and the commitment under the United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Peoples is upheld in all consultations and engagements with her Nation.