Kai Nagata

Kai is a fourth-generation British Columbian, based in Vancouver. He is currently the energy and democracy director at the Dogwood Initiative, focusing on energy, stewardship, and democracy. Trained in journalism, Kai has held positions at CBC, CTV, and The Tyee. His writing also appears in the Vancouver Sun and the Toronto Star. He blogs at kainagata.com.

Stories by Kai Nagata


Hello, CSIS!

This post originally appeared on the Dogwood Initiative blog. I should confess: I talk to lamp...


Peak Harper?

It turns out we have yet to reach peak oil, after all. And in this...

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An illustration, in yellow, of a computer, with an open envelope inside it with letter reading 'Breaking news.'
A popup that says "We need to protect our ... country, natural resources, climate, farmers, wildlife, rights, free press."
A popup that says "We need to protect our ... country, natural resources, climate, farmers, wildlife, rights, free press."