Kyla Fitzgerald

Membership and operations coordinator

Kyla Fitzgerald is The Narwhal’s membership and operations coordinator, serving as the first point of contact for our members and donors while managing the member database and providing operational assistance to the team. With a deep passion for fostering connections and nurturing communities, Kyla brings over ten years of operations experience overseeing community initiatives and supporting mission-driven organizations. Before joining The Narwhal, Kyla worked in HR consulting, advising teams across multiple industries, including non-profit, tech, finance and construction. When she’s not working, Kyla spends her free time with family and friends, watching live music and consuming all things Bravo.

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An illustration, in yellow, of a computer, with an open envelope inside it with letter reading 'Breaking news.'
Let’s talk about reconciliation.
As we mark the fourth National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we can’t forget the impacts of residential schools are intimately linked to many stories we cover on the natural world in so-called Canada.
Every new member between now and midnight Friday will have their contributions doubled by two generous donors.
Let’s match
Every new member between now and midnight Friday will have their contributions doubled by two generous donors.
Let’s match
Let’s talk about reconciliation.
As we mark the fourth National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we can’t forget the impacts of residential schools are intimately linked to many stories we cover on the natural world in so-called Canada.