Kyla Mandel

Kyla Mandel is a former editor of DeSmog UK. Kyla began working with DeSmog UK as deputy editor in November 2014 shortly after the project launched. During this time, she broke numerous stories on energy policy, including one on the Koch Brothers' European lobbying efforts as well as investigations into the cross-Atlantic climate denial lobbying network. In March 2015 she was appointed DeSmog UK's Editor. Kyla left DeSmog UK in January 2018. She has also covered international climate science denial efforts in Rome and Washington D.C., and joined DeSmog's reporting team in December 2015 at the Paris COP21 climate conference. Kyla studied at Columbia University's graduate journalism school specialising in science reporting. Her primary research during that time on climate refugees and coastal relocation in the United States was published in Mother Jones.

Stories by Kyla Mandel

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