Robby Dick

Robby is an emerging photographer from Ross River. His work features people, northern life, and the environment in the Yukon. Robby Dick is a member of the Kaska Dene First Nation and he grew up in Tu Łidlini (where the waters flow) all his life. He has been working closely with the Elders of his community for the last five years. He is passionate about revitalizing his language and sharing aspects of his Indigenous culture through visual storytelling. Kola (enough).

Stories by Robby Dick

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An illustration, in yellow, of a computer, with an open envelope inside it with letter reading 'Breaking news.'
A popup that says "We need to protect our ... country, natural resources, climate, farmers, wildlife, rights, free press."
A popup that says "We need to protect our ... country, natural resources, climate, farmers, wildlife, rights, free press."