Sutton Eaves

Sutton Eaves is a freelance writer and communications expert who specializes in environmental issues. Sutton worked as a journalist with several leading Canadian media outlets, such as the Ottawa Citizen and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, as well as in Nigeria where she trained reporters in human rights and public health reporting. She has held senior positions at the David Suzuki Foundation and Ecojustice, where she served as the Director of Communications & Marketing. Sutton holds a Bachelor of Journalism and a Master in Environmental Studies.

Stories by Sutton Eaves

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An illustration, in yellow, of a computer, with an open envelope inside it with letter reading 'Breaking news.'
A popup that says "We need to protect our ... country, natural resources, climate, farmers, wildlife, rights, free press."
A popup that says "We need to protect our ... country, natural resources, climate, farmers, wildlife, rights, free press."