Code of Ethics

The Narwhal’s mission is to bring evidence-based news and analysis to the surface for all Canadians. In doing this work, we adhere to a set of professional journalistic principles to ensure fairness, independence and accuracy in our work.


  • We serve the public interest, and put the needs of our readers at the forefront of our newsgathering decisions. This sometimes conflicts with various public and private interests.
  • We do not show our completed reports to sources before they are published or broadcast, unless the practice is intended to verify facts. Doing so might invite prior restraint and challenge our independence as reporters.
  • We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals and organizations for the general support of our activities, but our news judgments are made independently and not on the basis of donor support. Our organization may consider donations to support the coverage of particular topics, but our organization maintains editorial control of the coverage. We will cede no right of review or influence of editorial content. Read our editorial independence policy.


  • The Narwhal is committed to prompt, transparent corrections when we make a factual or contextual mistake. After fixing or updating a story, we include a note at the bottom acknowledging the change.
  • As of Jan. 1, 2025, we also publish a list of significant corrections or changes to our stories on this page. If you believe a story requires a correction, email us at, or fill out this form.


  • We give people, companies or organizations that are publicly accused or criticized opportunity to respond before we publish those criticisms or accusations. We make a genuine and reasonable effort to contact them, and if they decline to comment, we say so.

Conflict of Interest

  • We carefully consider our political activities and community involvements. If a journalist does choose to engage in outside political activity or espouse a particular political viewpoint, we publicly declare any real or potential conflicts.
  • Personal online activity, including emails and social networking, should generally be regarded as public and not private. Such activity can impact our professional credibility. As such, we think carefully before we post, and we take special caution in declaring our political leanings online, particularly if there is a chance we will be covering the campaign, activity or group involved.


  • We normally identify sources of information. But we may use unnamed sources when there is a clear and pressing reason to protect anonymity, the material gained from the confidential source is of strong public interest, and there is no other reasonable way to obtain the information. When this happens, we explain the need for anonymity and we independently corroborate facts if we get them from a source we do not name.

We rely on our readers to hold us to these standards, so please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Editorial Independence Policy

The Narwhal subscribes to the following standards of editorial independence, based on those adopted by the Institute for Nonprofit News.

The Narwhal retains full authority over editorial content to protect the best journalistic and business interests of our organization. We maintain a firewall between news coverage decisions and sources of all revenue. Acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of donors or their products, services or opinions.

We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals and organizations for the general support of our activities, but our news judgments are made independently and not on the basis of donor support. Our news judgments are also made independently of our board of directors, who are not involved in day-to-day news operations.

The Narwhal may consider donations to support the coverage of particular topics, but our organization maintains editorial control of the coverage. We will cede no right of review or influence of editorial content, nor of unauthorized distribution of editorial content.
We will make public donors who give more than $5,000 in a fiscal year.

Donor Transparency Policy

The Narwhal subscribes to the following standards of donor transparency, based on those adopted by the Institute for Nonprofit News.

We are committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization.

Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions.

We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals, organizations and foundations to help with our general operations, coverage of specific topics and special projects. We may receive funds from government programs offered to nonprofits or news organizations, such as the federal journalism labour tax credit and the Local Journalism Initiative.

Our news judgments are made independently — not based on or influenced by donors. We do not give supporters the rights to assign, review or edit content.

We will make public all donors who give more than $5,000 in a fiscal year.

As a nonprofit, we will avoid accepting donations from anonymous sources, and we will not accept donations from political parties, elected officials or candidates actively seeking public office. We will not accept donations from sources who, deemed by our board of directors, present a conflict of interest with our work or compromise our independence.

Our Funding

The Narwhal is incorporated as a non-profit society under the B.C. Societies Act. We are funded by individuals and foundations that care about independent journalism, democracy, science and the environment. We are proud to earn the financial support of more than 5,000 readers through one-time donations and monthly memberships. In addition, we are grateful to accept funding from philanthropic foundations that support our mission. Starting in September 2021, The Narwhal became a participant in the Meta Journalism Project’s News Innovation Test.

As a part of our donor transparency policy, we disclose donors who give The Narwhal more than $5,000 in a fiscal year (our fiscal year runs from Oct. 1-Sept. 30).

Canada wordmark with text: We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.

Our 2023 Funding

Financial YearFunder (Donor, Client, Partner)Revenue Received
2023Individual Donations below $5,000$982,812
2023Government of Canada (Journalism Labour Tax Credit)$401,494
2023Wilburforce Foundation$207,267
2023Metcalf Foundation$125,000
2023McConnell Foundation$116,300
2023Sitka Foundation$106,000
2023Winnipeg Community Foundation$75,000
2023MakeWay Foundation$66,750
2023Trottier Foundation$62,500
2023Real Estate Foundation of BC$51,000
2023Echo Foundation$50,000
2023Tides Foundation$37,797
2023News Media Canada (Local Journalism Initiative)$33,914
2023Charitable Impact Foundation$33,333
2023Centre for Northern Conservation$27,500
2023Nicola Wealth$25,000
2023Boreal Songbird Initiative$24,350
2023Sally & David Lang$20,000
2023Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources$18,432
2023Canada Helps$17,775
2023Jason Chan$17,000
2023Frank Hansen$16,000
2023Willow & Grace Foundation$15,000
2023Unless Consulting Ventures Inc.$15,000
2023Trufflepig Travel Inc$13,635
2023glasswaters foundation$11,250
2023Ottawa Community Foundation$7,500
2023Unit E Investments Ltd.$7,000
2023Geoffrey Whitfield$6,000
2023Sherrill Owen$5,255
2023Other revenue less than $5,000 each$18,022
Total Received$2,694,748

2022 Funding

Financial YearFunder (Donor, Client, Partner)Revenue Received
2022Reader donations under $5,000$812,256
2022Government of Canada$210,831
2022McConnell Foundation$200,000
2022Wilburforce Foundation$154,498
2022Boreal Songbird Initiative$97,166
2022Trottier Foundation$75,000
2022Metcalf Foundation$50,000
2022Echo Foundation$50,000
2022Edmonton Community Foundation$45,000
2022Winnipeg Foundation$43,750
2022Sitka Foundation$41,667
2022Real Estate Foundation of BC$33,000
2022Tides Foundation$31,375
2022News Media Canada$31,319
2022Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources$25,594
2022Ivey Foundation$25,000
2022Unless Ventures/Marco Pimentel$15,000
20222075740 Ontario Ltd$11,150
2022Alexa Firmenich$10,000
2022McConnell Foundation$10,000
2022North Family Foundation$10,000
2022Canada Helps$7,772
2022Unit E Investments Ltd$6,000
2022Reader’s Digest Foundation$6,000
2022Amicus Foundation$5,000
2022Valerie Tilley$5,771
2022Frank Hansen$5,000
2022Scotia Trust-Aquaduct Foundation$5,000
2022Ottawa Community Foundation$5,000
2022Vancouver Foundation$5,000
2022Other revenue less than $5,000 each$8,071
Total Received$2,135,719

2021 Funding

Financial YearFunder (Donor, Client, Partner)Revenue Received
2021Reader donations under $5,000$509,168
2021Canadian Periodical Fund$254,655
2021Wilburforce Foundation$184,858
2021Boreal Songbird Initiative$96,928
2021News Media Canada$73,286
2021International Center for Journalists$72,624
2021Metcalf Foundation$55,000
2021International Center for Journalists$25,594
2021Real Estate Foundation of BC$20,000
2021Real Estate Foundation of BC$10,000
2021European Climate Foundation$25,318
2021Merwan Engineer$18,508
2021Unless Ventures/Marco Pimentel$15,000
2021Reader’s Digest Foundation$6,000
2021Other revenue less than $5,000 each$11,330
Total Received$1,424,615

2020 Funding

Financial YearFunder (Donor, Client, Partner)Revenue Received
2020Reader donations under $5,000$238,160
2020Wilburforce Foundation$185,653
2020Boreal Songbird Initiative$98,323
2020Government of Canada$78,779
2020International Center for Journalists$62,784
2020News Media Canada $60,932
2020European Climate Foundation$51,431
2020McConnell Foundation$41,800
2020Metcalf Foundation$40,000
2020Institute for New Economics$30,195
2020Make Way$25,000
2020Institute for New Economics$24,128
2020In-kind Support$18,746
2020Royal Roads University$12,000
2020F. Hansen$10,000
2020Eburne Mill Fund$10,000
2020Environmental Health News$5,269
2020Other revenue less than $5,000 each$6,943
Total Received$1,000,143

2019 Funding

Financial YearFunder (Donor, Client, Partner)Revenue Received
2019Reader donations under $5,000$174,845
2019Wilburforce Foundation$164,653
2019Boreal Songbird Initiative$77,782
2019Small Change Fund$54,334
2019Tides Canada Initiatives Society$49,442
2019European Climate Foundation$59,947
2019Institute for New Economics$45,750
2019Government of Canada$38,125
2019Oak Foundation$31,248
2019In-kind Support$29,868
2019Tides Canada Foundation$25,000
2019LUSH Cosmetics$18,000
2019LUSH Cosmetics$12,500
2019University of Victoria$9,524
2019National Observer$9,524
2019Institute for New Economics$8,235
2019Institute for New Economics$7,320
2019McConnell Foundation$5,700
2019Other revenue less than $5,000 each$15,742
Total Received$837,539

2018 Funding

Financial YearFunder (Donor, Client, Partner)Revenue Received
2018Wilburforce Foundation$168,054
2018Oak Foundation$74,995
2018Reader Donations Less than $5,000$50,920
2018Salal Foundation$35,000
2018Private Individual$31,500
2018Salal Foundation$29,570
2018LUSH Cosmetics$12,500
2018Other revenues less than $5,000 each$8,875
2018European Climate Foundation$5,850
2018Salal Foundation$5,800
Total Received$423,065
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