B.C. asked feds to use coal-rich land for conservation: internal docs
The land, in Ktunaxa Nation territory, includes the headwaters of the Flathead River and coal...
The land, in Ktunaxa Nation territory, includes the headwaters of the Flathead River and coal...
After decades of pollution from B.C. coal mines, an international inquiry is proposing to spotlight...
Teck Resources was warned over a year ago about a federal investigation into pollution from...
Selenium risks depend on amount of fish people eat from rivers downstream of Teck coal...
Some of the country's biggest polluters are multibillion-dollar companies. Limited fines may not be enough...
A new report finds the price tag to treat water contaminated with selenium in the...
Here’s why a decision to finally pursue a joint Canada-U.S. inquiry into water pollution from...
Ktunaxa Nation has been calling for an International Joint Commission’s inquiry to address pollution from...
Monitoring shows above-guideline selenium concentrations in secondary drinking water wells in Fernie, B.C., downstream of...