Alaskan Coalition Calls on U.S. to Investigate B.C. Mines
Six B.C. mines pose threats to Alaska’s most productive salmon rivers and should be investigated...
Canada is home to some of the world’s largest mining companies and major mining operations. The top five minerals mined in 2016 in Canada were gold, copper, potash, iron ore and coal. Mining contributed greatly to the economic development of Canada over the last century. However in more recent years the high environmental and social impacts of mining has cast the industry in a new light.
While scientific and public understanding of the impacts of mining has changed dramatically in recent years, regulations have been slow to keep pace. In B.C., the government has faced criticisms over its tailings ponds regulations in the wake of the 2014 Mount Polley mining disaster. First Nations have also called for reforms to gold rush-era laws that allow companies to stake claims without free, prior and informed Indigenous consent — one of the principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) that B.C. adopted in 2019.
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Six B.C. mines pose threats to Alaska’s most productive salmon rivers and should be investigated...
Acid mine drainage from the Tulsequah Chief mine in northwest B.C. has worried and infuriated...
Costs associated with the closure and reclamation of 84 abandoned industrial sites, mostly from mining,...
Taxpayers are being put at serious financial risk by gaping holes in B.C.’s mining regulations...
High-level international action is needed to ensure that southeast Alaskan rivers and fisheries are protected...
A hard-hitting report by B.C.’s auditor general that concludes the government’s mines monitoring and inspection...
As the crow flies, the territory of the Tsilhqot’in Nation lies just 300 kilometres north...
New mines proposed for north-west B.C., close to the Alaska border, will have tailings dams...
The strained relationship between Canada and the U.S. over the last decade was in no...
Note: This story discusses mental health and suicide. If you or someone you know needs help, 24/7 phone support is available with Talk Suicide Canada:...
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