Rianna Lim

Rianna is an Ottawa-based reporter at the Investigative Journalism Foundation (IJF). Prior to joining the IJF she was a national writer for Her Campus Media, where she wrote lifestyle and career pieces for college-aged women. She was also an intern for the Canadian Association of Journalists where she worked on the Canadian Newsroom Diversity Survey. Most recently, she was a student research partner at Carleton University's School of Journalism where she helped develop the school's class curricula. Her previous work can be found in Capital Current and Maclean's. In both her work and life, Rianna is passionate about equity, diversity and inclusion engagement in the media. She's an avid fan of travel, baseball and browsing through bookstores.

Stories by Rianna Lim

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An illustration, in yellow, of a computer, with an open envelope inside it with letter reading 'Breaking news.'