Shannon Waters

B.C. politics and environment reporter

Shannon Waters is a political reporter and editor with experience covering municipal, provincial and federal governments. She began her reporting career as a radio journalist in northern B.C., covering communities from Smithers to Williams Lake and leading award-winning coverage of B.C.’s 2017 wildfires. She has spent the last seven years reporting from her hometown of Victoria. Her professional passions are politics, policy and people and the ways they intersect and influence each other. She is happiest in places where the ocean meets mountains. When she’s not digging into stories, you can find Shannon cultivating her green thumb or biking to and from the beach, where she’s equally likely to be buried in a book or enjoying the water.

Stories by Shannon Waters

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Our newsletter subscribers are the first to find out when we break a major investigation. Want in? Sign up for free to get the inside scoop on The Narwhal’s environment and climate reporting.
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