Canada clearcuts one million acres of boreal forest every year … a lot of it for toilet paper
It's the International Day of Forests, the perfect time to talk about flushing vital forests...
It's the International Day of Forests, the perfect time to talk about flushing vital forests...
Wildfire, drought and a pine beetle epidemic are piling on top of a long history...
Mining company Westmoreland Coal, which purchased five coal mines in Alberta, is suing Canada for...
A combination of climate change, clearcut logging and outdated emergency response practices are being blamed...
As Alberta moves away from burning coal for electricity, miners face an uncertain future. The...
Downstream of the southern province’s barren cutblocks, Grand Forks, British Columbia, was devastated by spring...
Earlier this week, the federal government published a bombshell report on carbon pricing, predicting that...
The effects of climate change can be complex and unpredictable. For one species of Arctic...
The climate change component of Canada’s oil pipeline debate largely revolves around two big questions:...