What’s behind the driest year for Lake Ontario since 1966?
Scientists have always recorded fluctuations in water levels, but they say the dramatic shift between...
Scientists have always recorded fluctuations in water levels, but they say the dramatic shift between...
The Muteshekau Shipu (Magpie River) in Québec will enjoy new protections as Canada joins a...
Provincial rules and regulations continue to permit pollution in important watersheds and allow development without...
An effectively planned Canada Water Agency would address the myriad environmental, legal and political issues...
The expansion could increase the height of a dam holding back mining waste to 255...
The Narwhal is flexing a new status that allows our organization to issue charitable tax...
After more than a century of logging, agriculture and now-accelerating development, Vancouver Island's Koksilah River...
New study shows increased precipitation and ice melt caused by climate change have left Arctic...
Pacific salmon are one of Canada’s iconic creatures. Each summer, they complete their, on average,...