World Petroleum Congress 20230920

Pathways Alliance

The Pathways Alliance is a group of six oil and gas companies representing the bulk of Canadian oilsands production. The group plans to build a large carbon capture and storage network to capture emissions from oilsands facilities and send them down a pipeline to an underground storage area. 

The six companies in Pathways Alliance are ExxonMobil subsidiary Imperial Oil, Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL), Suncor, Cenovus, ConocoPhillips Canada and MEG Energy.

The latest news on Pathways Alliance

Pathways Alliance has campaigned for extensive government financial and regulatory support to achieve this plan.

The group faces allegations of misleading the public by greenwashing the industry’s environmental impact. The Competition Bureau is investigating some of these claims.

In June 2024, Pathways Alliance scrubbed its website and social media feeds in response to new federal greenwashing rules, but said the move was “not related to the truth and accuracy of our environmental communications.”

B.C. fish and wildlife programs are in ‘crisis’

Provincial wildlife staff are operating in “triage” mode as they struggle to manage a range of growing threats to wildlife and biodiversity under the constraints...

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Let’s talk about reconciliation.
As we mark the fourth National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we can’t forget the impacts of residential schools are intimately linked to many stories we cover on the natural world in so-called Canada.
Every new member between now and midnight Friday will have their contributions doubled by two generous donors.
Let’s match
Every new member between now and midnight Friday will have their contributions doubled by two generous donors.
Let’s match
Let’s talk about reconciliation.
As we mark the fourth National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we can’t forget the impacts of residential schools are intimately linked to many stories we cover on the natural world in so-called Canada.