Manitobans rally to oppose proposed new peat mining project
When peat is mined for horticulture, forests are removed and carbon-storing peatlands are dug up....
When peat is mined for horticulture, forests are removed and carbon-storing peatlands are dug up....
In this week’s newsletter, reporter Emma McIntosh talks about a trip to far northern Ontario...
On the shores of James and Hudson Bays, the Omushkego Wahkohtowin conservation project is almost...
After a Supreme Court decision on federal power to review big projects that could cause...
In areas rich in peat, like those surrounding Alberta's oilsands, wildfires are releasing thousands of...
Old mines in the territories left polluted, scarred sites as they closed. As the federal...
As it expands its Fort Hills oilsands mine, Suncor wants to build a wall several...
The warming of North America's largest peatland is sending mercury into soil and water. But...
'There is no access to critical minerals in Canada without Indigenous Peoples being at the...