B.C. eyes emissions trading to offset effects of LNG development, government documents show
Province considers trading under Paris Agreement a ‘priority’ to ensure it can push forward with...
Province considers trading under Paris Agreement a ‘priority’ to ensure it can push forward with...
Several diesel-powered communities across the territory have looked to renewables to reduce greenhouse gas emissions...
The province’s economic crisis started before the coronavirus pandemic — and bailout proposals on the...
A smart response to the COVID-19 emergency could go a long way to addressing the...
The nation hopes the plant, which has the potential to produce both electricity and direct...
After producing certified green electricity from small-scale hydro for decades, the beloved Silversmith plant in...
Alberta’s oil and gas workers can be underrepresented — or even maligned — in conversations...
Despite being one of the most well-positioned countries in the world to capitalize on geothermal...
Renewables are now the lowest cost option for electricity in Alberta, but with Jason Kenney...