Halting Construction of Site C Could Save $112-million Annually, Says Energy Expert
As the cost of producing energy from wind and sun continues to drop, power produced...
As the cost of producing energy from wind and sun continues to drop, power produced...
(Valemount, B.C.) — A forestry town is working to re-invent itself as a renewable energy...
Abandoned oil and gas wells in Alberta are on the rise — but where many...
I wrote my last book, Climate Cover-Up, because I wanted to take a deeper look...
If Saudi Arabia’s oil minister’s dire warning about high-cost energy producers didn’t effectively get the...
Former prime minister Stephen Harper’s government issued 14 permits for work on the $9 billion...
This is a guest post by David Suzuki. buy prevacid online https://suburbanhomehealth.com/wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/4-953eeada3168639b58f6dc333d305456/2018/prevacid.html With the December Paris climate...
An undercover investigation by environment group Greenpeace has found some of the world’s most vocal...
A film documenting a battle that has stretched over almost a quarter century, pitting communities...