Canada Tells NAFTA Leaky Oilsands Tailings Ponds a ‘Challenge’ to Prove, Despite Existing Federal Study
There’s no telling if the 220 square-kilometres of unlined tailings ponds in the Alberta oilsands...
There’s no telling if the 220 square-kilometres of unlined tailings ponds in the Alberta oilsands...
A full public inquiry, with powers to call witnesses and gather research, is needed to...
The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has approved a tailings management plan from oilsands giant Suncor,...
Kelly Brown was awoken at 4:30 a.m. on October 13, 2016, by the kind of...
B.C. hasn’t been particularly good at including Indigenous populations in the decision-making process. First Nations...
For years environmental organizations have called on the federal government to do something about the...
A patchwork of roads, ditches and unauthorized dams are scarring First Nations territories in north...
The future of Alberta’s sprawling tailings ponds is in serious crisis. As of right now,...
Back in 2007, when Alberta landowner Jessica Ernst filed her lawsuit over water contamination from...