‘Disingenuous’ Forest Industry Campaign Tries to Undermine Protection of Endangered Caribou
A forestry industry lobby group is working to undermine Canada’s plans to protect endangered caribou,...
Canada’s reputation as a nation of “hewers of wood and drawers of water” is at least half correct, historically. Forestry has always been one of the biggest industries in the country, economically, by reputation and by environmental impact. About 94 per cent of forests in Canada are publicly owned and about 70 per cent of Canada’s Indigenous population lives in forested areas.
Over half of the world’s boreal region is in Canada, which boasts a staggering 270 million hectares of boreal forest.
Increasing privatization of forest lands, however, combined with the threats of climate change, industrial activity, pine beetle infestations and wildfires, has put Canada’s forests at risk.
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A forestry industry lobby group is working to undermine Canada’s plans to protect endangered caribou,...
By Torrance Coste and Mark Worthing Last March, we travelled to northern Vancouver Island and...
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The B.C. government is granting logging permits in critical caribou habitat, despite evidence that B.C.’s...
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This is a guest post by David Suzuki. Abundant, cheap fossil fuels have driven explosive...
Get the inside scoop on The Narwhal’s environment and climate reporting by signing up for our free newsletter. On Sunday, across most of Canada, the...
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