From fracking to geothermal: Fort Nelson First Nation moves forward with clean electricity project
Ottawa invests $40.5 million in Clarke Lake Geothermal Project, which is expected to produce enough...
Just beneath the surface of the Earth—and occasionally, right on it—there is an abundant source of clean, renewable energy. Geothermal energy is a means of pumping water into the ground to absorb and distribute the heat stored within the Earth’s mantle. Once captured that heat can either be converted to electricity, or used directly to heat homes or other buildings, keep streets ice-free, warm greenhouses, or put to other industrial uses. It is emissions-free, relatively low-tech, and, once wells are drilled and power systems installed, very cheap to run.
Geothermal energy potential is very location-specific; some places, like Iceland or Japan, have lots of economically feasible geothermal potential, while others have practically none. In Canada, geothermal potential is concentrated in the Rocky Mountains, the Northwest Territories and Yukon, though there are pockets elsewhere that could develop geothermal as well. Even Saskatchewan is working on a geothermal plant. There are also a lot of blank spots on the map that haven’t been explored for geothermal.
The industry has been slow to develop in Canada, which, unlike every other country on the Pacific “Ring of Fire” has no commercial geothermal power projects. Lots of reasons have been suggested for the slowness, including a lack of regulatory structure and lack of government interest (B.C. is the only province with regulations specific to develop geothermal energy), cheap fossil fuels, and high upfront costs. But it is picking up, with several communities interested in adopting the technology for their own uses.
Ottawa invests $40.5 million in Clarke Lake Geothermal Project, which is expected to produce enough...
Heat from below the Earth’s surface has provided a reliable source of electricity for decades...
The nation hopes the plant, which has the potential to produce both electricity and direct...
Despite being one of the most well-positioned countries in the world to capitalize on geothermal...
Like many towns across Alberta, the landscape around Hinton is a pincushion of oil wells....
B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver went from being B.C.’s solitary Green MLA in 2013...
Being an environmental journalist at this point in history can be a bit, well, depressing....
As many countries move away from big hydro projects, B.C.’s government must decide whether to...
A highly anticipated review of B.C.’s Site C dam has found the project is likely...
WSÁNEĆ Hereditary Chiefs and conservation groups have been raising the alarm about herring in the Georgia Strait. Last November, the chiefs called for a moratorium...
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