B.C. government quietly posts response to expert fracking report
Province avoids investigation of human health impacts of fracking, despite independent scientific review warning of...
Province avoids investigation of human health impacts of fracking, despite independent scientific review warning of...
Proposal is ‘devoid of detail,’ sidesteps Canada’s responsibility for its own emissions and doesn’t do...
Canada has been a leader in climate research but a new report finds the country...
As southern mountain caribou populations fall, the B.C. government has announced a temporary moratorium on...
In an unprecedented letter signed by both Democrats and Republicans, American senators flag a lack...
Lobbyists from industry and related groups — primarily from the oil and gas industry —...
Following intensive lobbying by the oil and gas industry, the unelected Canadian Senate has approved...
A B.C. senator lashes out as the unelected Senate stalls a long-awaited bill to formalize...
The embattled company is reaping millions in public money from no-bid contracts for British Columbia’s...