War on the waters: salmon farms losing battle with sea lice as wild fish pay the price
After years of unsuccessful pesticide baths, the aquaculture industry admits to yet another failed attempt...
Canada has 20 per cent of the world’s freshwater stored in its lakes, rivers, aquifers and glaciers. But much of that water is under threat from development of Canada’s other great resources: forestry, oil and gas and mining are particularly harmful to freshwater.
Freshwater is the basis for many Indigenous cultural practices, such as salmon harvesting, which is one of the reasons Indigenous activism often centres around protection of water.
Canada also has the longest coastline in the world, touching three oceans. These waters hold huge cultural significance for Indigenous and non-Indigenous residents, and often form the flashpoints for controversial industries and practices, such as salmon farming, offshore oil and gas development and shipping (particularly shipping of LNG and crude oil). Canada recently announced a $1.5 billion Oceans Protection Plan, and has a stated goal of protecting 10 per cent of its oceans by 2020.
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After years of unsuccessful pesticide baths, the aquaculture industry admits to yet another failed attempt...
Between a self-appointed ‘sanctuary cop,’ oblivious kayakers, frustrated tourism operators and watchful biologists, Canada’s first-ever...
Climate change and industrial activities pose increased risks to B.C.’s water, but the provincial government...
In Glade, where clear-cutting could begin any day, determined residents are pulling out all the...
An area four times the size of Vancouver Island is home to smoking vents, volcanic...
Community watersheds across the province were once off-limits to logging, but in recent decades that’s...
At an ongoing inquiry into mismanagement of the hydro project — now widely seen as...
A subtle transformation to century-old jetty that has made life unnaturally difficult for chinook salmon...
The decision, which also prevents waste dumping and bottom trawling, helps inch Canada closer to...
Get the inside scoop on The Narwhal’s environment and climate reporting by signing up for our free newsletter. On Sunday, across most of Canada, the...
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