B.C. giving millions to transform rainforest into wood pellets for export, new report documents
The rapidly growing wood pellet export industry claims it offers a renewable energy fuel source...
The rapidly growing wood pellet export industry claims it offers a renewable energy fuel source...
New report uses flood mapping to identify areas in urgent need of protection from climate...
Scientists used genetics and habitat modelling to examine past narwhal populations and predict what a...
Yellowknife-based emergency doctor Courtney Howard says the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the need for stimulus funds...
Electric thermal storage units help smooth out peaks in demand, reducing the need for diesel...
Mining and oil and gas projects will be allowed in an area comprising 17 per...
The imperilled Hart Ranges caribou herd will lose a chunk of critical habitat to the...
Industry rushes to come up with plan that will enable 5,000 tree planters to get...
Nisga’a Nation has worked for years to make the Nass Valley a tourism destination, but...
Southerners on the hunt for gold are still heading to the territory and entering grocery...
Fishermen rely on observers to keep the industry honest. Now they’re worried about maintaining a...
Local support for the open-pit mine grows, even as industrial projects and remote work camps...
Our investigation into Alberta’s oil and gas regulator and our photo essay documenting a Canadian...
The remote coastal community of Bella Bella, B.C., home to roughly 1,400 people, has little...
‘Economic imperatives cannot be placed above the health and safety of our people,’ says Na-cho...
New temporary guidelines released by the province aim to ensure consultations with Indigenous communities —...
Some projects still house more than 800 people at camps — deemed ‘essential services’ by...
Need a break from coronavirus news? These are some of our favourite solutions-based pieces about...